Extreme.Mathematics.Generic Namespace

The Extreme.Mathematics.Generic namespace contains fundamental classes for computing with generic numerical types.


CanSpecializeAttribute When applied to a class or structure, indicates that the implementation of the type can be specialized for specific values of the type parameters.
GenericArithmeticException The exception that is thrown when generic arithmetic operations are not supported by the operand type.
GenericExtensions Contains extension methods for generic arithmetic interfaces.
TypeAssociationAttribute Represents a named association between two types.
TypeAssociationRegistry Represents a global registry of type associations.


IBitOperations<T> Represents the contract for operations on an operand type that supports bitwise operations.
IComplexElementaryFunctions<T, U> Represents the contract for elementary functions of complex values.
IComplexFieldOperations<T, U> Represents the contract for operations on a complex operand type that supports division.
IComplexIeeeOperations<T, U> Represents the contract for a complex operand type that supports IEEE-style special values.
IComplexOperations<T> Represents the contract for operations on an operand type that represents complex values.
IComplexOperations<T, U> Represents the contract for operations on an operand type that represents complex values.
IComplexRingOperations<T, U> Represents the contract for operations on a type that supports multiplication.
IDivisionOperations<T, TClosure> Represents the contract for operations on an operand type that supports divison and multiplicative inverses.
IEuclideanRingOperations<T> Represents the contract for operations on an operand type that supports division with remainder.
IFieldOperations<T> Represents the contract for operations on an operand type that supports divison and multiplicative inverses.
IFractionalOperations<T> Represents the contract for operations on an operand type that represents numbers with a fraction, like rational and real numbers.
IGroupOperations<T> Represents the contract for operations on a type that supports addition and subtraction.
IIeeeOperations<T> Represents the contract for operations on an operand type that has IEEE-754 special values.
IRealOperations<T> Represents the contract for operations on an operand type that represents real numbers.
IRingOperations<T> Represents the contract for operations on a type that implements multiplication of an operand type.
IVectorSpaceOperations<TScalar, TVector> Represents the contract for the scalar multiplication on a vector space.