Matrix.Create<T>(Int32, Int32, T[], MatrixElementOrder, Boolean, ArrayMutability) Method

Constructs a new matrix of the specified dimensions using the specified values array.


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public static DenseMatrix<T> Create<T>(
	int rowCount,
	int columnCount,
	T[] values,
	MatrixElementOrder elementOrder,
	bool reuseComponentArray = false,
	ArrayMutability mutability = ArrayMutability.MutableValues


rowCount  Int32
The number of rows.
columnCount  Int32
The number of columns.
values  T[]
An array of values that contain the elements of the matrix in column-major order.
elementOrder  MatrixElementOrder
A MatrixElementOrder value that specifies the order in which the matrix elements are stored in the storage array values.
reuseComponentArray  Boolean  (Optional)
If true, the array referenced by Specifies how the matrix's values may be changed. The default is mutable values.values is used directly for element storage without being copied. Any changes to the elements of this matrix will also affect the original array, and vice versa. If false, the elements are copied from values to a new array.
mutability  ArrayMutability  (Optional)

Type Parameters


Return Value

A DenseMatrix<T>.


ArgumentNullExceptionvalues is null

rowCount is less than zero.


columnCount is less than zero.

See Also