RuntimeServices Class

Contains methods and properties for platform-dependent functionality at runtime.


Namespace: Extreme.Providers.InteropServices
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public static class RuntimeServices
Object  →  RuntimeServices


AllowMixedModeAssemblies Gets whether the current platform supports mixed mode (C++/CLI) assemblies.
Is64BitProcess Gets whether the currently running process is 64 bit.
IsUnix Gets whether the current system is a Unix system.


GetArchitecture Returns the processor architecture the current process is running on.
LibraryPaths Enumerates the paths that are searched when looking for native assemblies.
LoadAssembly Loads a native library of the specified name, optionally using the suggested location.
LoadLibrary Loads a native library of the specified name, optionally using the suggested location.
TryLoadAssembly Attempts to load an assembly.
TryLoadLibrary Attempts to load an assembly.

See Also